March 18, 2014

A bit more than RIDICULOUS

RIDICULOUS: Inspiring ridicule,absurd,silly: Synonyms: laughable, idiotic, foolish, cockeyed, nonsensical

What Am I Talking About?

  I am talking about the massive amounts of software and the ability to distort photos. Over processed and what was once natural in its beauty becomes lost. Did you see the Photoshop Epic Fail that Target did on two of it's edits

Have you seen the filter of instagram popping up as a preset on every photo software available? I have and I am getting tired of it. I often as a photographer join other photography communities and forums and even sometimes join the conversation. I am just irritated that so many people hit the like button in facebook for mediocre work. I appreciate the tools that are given in software, I just wish interpretation and use were put to what is in my opinion good use. Unless you are given an assignment specific to a concept, let's tone it down?? Anyone who knows me, has heard me speak of taking the best photo first and never relying on software to save you. You will never learn or hone any new skills that will help you AS YOU PHOTOGRAPH. A simple portrait can be stunning even if you use software... don't over do it. Here are two examples: Original and over edit.

I took this next photograph which is some of my first boudoir work and did a soft skin edit with a few tweeks. I am not always happy with the things I see sometimes when I look back at my own work. I am glad to know that I DO IMPROVE! This photo was taken when I didn't use anything other than exposure & contrast to help me edit portraits. My statement for portraits is, that I will make you look like a healthier you. I want you to look good, or I do not look good. I do think the original of this portrait was nice.. I decided with new skills and learning a new program to show you how less is more. I soften the skin, took out blemishes and brightened the eyes. I wanted Karin to remain as beautiful as I have always seen her with out heavy edits.
Any thoughts? Let's discuss... or leave a comment. Have a great day!