November 29, 2016

Sheeba Magazine Publication- Cleopatra In White

 I am proud to announce that Fashion Magazine, Sheeba has published my Cleopatra In White Avant Garde Shoot.

Big thank you to all the ladies involved on this concept to design. It was a great collaboration.

Photographer: Stacey Layman

 Print or Online Purchases:

November 1, 2016

The White Cadejo: An Interpretation

According to legend, The Cadejo is a spiritual creature that appears in the night to help travelers. Some Central American and southern Mexican folklore have stated the Cadejo's spirit often takes the shape as that of a wolf and having antlers.There is a white and a black Cadejo to represent Good & Evil, although it isn't uncommon for both colors to misrepresent themselves. I chose to name this photo The White Cadejo as the majority of the face is white but only the eyes are dark and the projection of her hair representing the position of antlers. I hope you enjoy this photo as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Model & Make Up by: Artist Izzy Adkins

A Burton/Bonham Inspiration: A Nightmare Before Christmas

Tim Burton/ Helena Carter Bonham Inspiration and yes that is Jack the Pumpkin King from A Nightmare Before Christmas! A big thank you to Artist Izzy Adkins, who's make-up skills helped make this possible. #anightmarebeforechristmas #helenabonhamcarterinspiration#pumpkinking

The Masks Collection: An Artists Collaboration- The Butterfly Effect

July 8, 2016

The Mask Collection2016: A Collaboration Among Artists. ~ In Avant Garde

The Mask Collection:
 Presented by Layman Photography & Artist Izzy Adkins. 

 *** I enjoyed working on this set with the incredibly talented Izzy Adkins, who in her own medium collaborated with me to come up with a series set to showcase her talents. Her mediums are Make Up, Paint, Water Color, Prism Color Pencil, Spray Paint & Avant Garde Hair Styling***
Purple Series
Feather Series
Mardi Gras Series
The Butterfly Effect Series
The Entertainer Series
Blue & Evil Series
Silver Series- Now Available for View:

June 1, 2016


I had the pleasure to finally meet Michelle, who came from Germany to hang out with me in the studio for her Rockabilly shoot - A gift for her Hubby. We had so much fun that we just started adding props and playing. This was a great shoot.
 I consider Michelle a dear friend, who took the time to get to know me and who appreciates my art just as much as I appreciate hers. She crochets fine work and is very very artistic in her own right and with many mediums.

Thank you Michelle.. I had a blast! My door, a good listening ear and my heart are always open for you girl! You are the best! (no arguing)

April 25, 2016

STUDIO PROPS: Steampunk&MadHatter Hats

I am always adding to my prop collection, if I cant find or afford to buy, I still make it!

Foam Sheets
2part Apoxy
Bonding Cement
Acrylic paint
Buff paint

Foam hat with foam squares painted with Black Acrylic Paint


                                                                   Foam and Wool Fabric

Studio Images with Model soon to come. Stay tuned.