January 22, 2011

Saint Chalres Avenue- New Orleans, LA
I get asked about this photograph a lot. I set up my tripod
on the street car tracks of Saint Chalres Ave. I set my camera in TV mode and hooked up my remote shutter chord.
 * Tv mode lets the camera select aperature (the lens opening) The higher the number ~ie f22~ the smaller the opening. The smaller the opening, the less amount of light that is allowed to expose your film/sensor.
My shutter was open for 15 seconds. I did this to check out certain set ups to see what I liked the best. Sometimes I still have to see it even though my mind has a good idea. It lets me play with setting after the fact, sometimes it redirects me altogether. I was photographing this shot for myself so I do tend to play. Never stop experiementing!!
Camera: 20 D
Lens: Canon EF 28-135mm
ISO: 400

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