November 8, 2012

World Wide Professional Photographers's Group- GET THE LINKS YOU NEED!

A good day to you all. I hope this post finds you well. I am letting you all know of a few great places to find some awesome groups.

World Wide Professional Photographers- LinkedIn and Facebook. Created by Neil Gail, Ph.D & Professional Photographer

Please come by, check us out, Join and help us contribute to the art of photography.

This group defines a Professional Photographer as:
●   Anybody who has sold more than 5 different photos.
●   Anybody who earns income either full-time or part-time in the industry.
●   Anybody who owns a studio, in-home or a brick and mortar studio.
●   Anybody who has a website of their own photography, not a Flickr or other free image posting site.
You are welcome to join if you meet any one of the above criteria.
Absolutely no Adult, Pornography or XXX links or photos allowed in the group… Your membership will be immediately terminated from this group for breaking this rule.
If you post spam or a job postings (non-photography relates) you will be “Block & Remove”
If your post is a promotion, it will be moved into the promotions section.
     A Promotion is anything (after visiting the link) is a signup page for something free or a product/service selling something
A GOOD post will stay in the Main Discussions section (a link to your personal/business site ok). 
     A good post tells a story or educated the reader.
Neil Gale, Ph.D. & Professional Photographer
Worldwide Professional Photographers

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