April 20, 2014

Dogwood Trees-Facts & History

The Dogwood Tree is a genus species ranging 30-60 in the Cornaceae Family, meaning flowering plant. Most of these are deciduous meaning the fall off at maturity like most seasonal plants. Adorning itself with white petals in the shape of a cross and tipped reds at its peaks.

It is said that the name came about from the English word "Dag" as in daggers or skewers. It was used to make small tools that were able to have strength such as mallets and needles.The North American Indians used it for arrows. Beyond the utilitarian , legends were created because man has always reminded himself that there is a creator.

It is said that the significance is that of the Crucifixion of Christ.. That the shape represents the cross in which Jesus died for our sins and the blood represents the nails in his hands and feet and the blood that trickles from his crown of thorns.

I am always able to spot my dogwoods in bloom beyond the wood line of my property. They stand out beautifully just like the legend.

I took my camera and walked the property with Henry.  I hope you enjoy the photos. Happy Easter! He is Risen!

Majority of the settings, ISO 100, 1/125th shutter, F8

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